2023 Amateur Tournament (qualifiers) - 18 March
Important information for this event:
- First part of the selection process: the athletes with the best performances will be invited to join the national team.
- Open to foreign fighters, but only Belgian athletes can join the national team (best Belgian performances)
- The amateur category is reserved for fighters with confirmed MMA experience or any other significant experience in combat sports (grappling, boxing, etc.). Novice remains a category for beginners.
- Membership of BMMAF (or VBKBMO for the Flemish region) compulsory
- Official BMMAF competition equipment (shorts, rashguard, shinpads) is compulsory and included in the registration fee (€80) / €20 if you already have this equipment.
The new official BMMAF FULL gear is compulsory: Rashguard + shorts + shin guards. The old rashguards (red and blue) can still be worn in competition, but the new equipment (with shorts and shin guards is compulsory, not sold separately). Without these you will not be allowed to take part.